[MoberlyArt] happy new year?? a bit late don't you think...

Jeannie Moberly pjm at moberly.cjfearnley.com
Fri Sep 23 12:38:49 EDT 2011

Hello to all my friends,
       Did you hear that a mummer group got a bit out of hand last 
January 1?   I've made a little slide show to document the incident.  
Turn up the speakers because there's some very interesting music by 
Corde.  I think this is going to cheer you up for 5 1/2 minutes . Love 


   See the Babies video?  Click on the 4 part symbol before Vimeo for 
full screen.

PS. I will be showing at Cafe Mocha 263 S 10th Street Philadelphia 
during October (closed Tuesdays)
and will have a piece in the BikePartsArtShow at Philadelphia Magic 
Gardens 1020 South Street, October 22nd 6-10pm.

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