[MoberlyArt] may day

Jeannie Moberly pjm at moberly.cjfearnley.com
Fri May 1 15:37:09 EDT 2020

May all good things come your way.  My shows and events are on hold but 
I've put up two virtual shows Garden of Delights II 
https://moberly.cjfearnley.com/gardenofdelightsII/   from 2019 and Fear 
of the Deep https://moberly.cjfearnley.com/fearofthedeep/   finished in 
February.   I've been reworking the Sunday Bicycle Outing of Mo and Ra 
Greenbein https://vimeo.com/279176542 so if you want to see it in the 
old form please take a few minutes to see it in the next week and then 
compare it to the new version which will replace it without anyone 
knowing (except you). (Sorry Raymond, the Red Door has been replaced by 
kaleidoscopes  - However doors will be opening again in my new piece Me 
& Bluebeard-o.  May you all be well.   Jeannie

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